Dr Hassan Makaremi, psychanalist, artist and calligrapher, was born in Chiraz, Iran, in 1950.
Since 1983, he settled and he is currently working in France.
He managed more than 24 exhibitions, showing his works in France, in U.S.A., in Russia, in Cuba and Morocco.
As a specialist in strategy, he is teaming with the "Centre d’Etudes Diplomatiques et Stratégiques de Paris" and "l’Institut d’Administration des Entreprises de Paris - Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne".
The Calligraphy modern museum of Moscow is displaying permanently seven of his works.
He wrote more than 40 articles and presented 40 meetings and more.
Hassan Makaremi in Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy Moscow
Last publications:
- Mutation Culturelle vol I ; Paris ; 2005
- Mutation Culturelle vol II ; Paris ; 2006
- Regarde croise sur la calligraphie ; Paris 2009
- Hafez par Hafez، Harmattan Paris 2012
Last meetings:
- Mutation Culturelle vol I ; Paris ; 2005
- Mutation Culturelle vol II ; Paris ; 2006
- Regarde croise sur la calligraphie ; Paris 2009
- Hafez par Hafez، Harmattan Paris 2012
Last Exhibitions:
- Mutation Culturelle vol I ; Paris ; 2005
- Mutation Culturelle vol II ; Paris ; 2006
- Regarde croise sur la calligraphie ; Paris 2009
- Hafez par Hafez، Harmattan Paris 2012